英语问题:在特定的情景中,为什么by which time可以改成by the time when he came back?


英语问题:在特定的情景中,为什么by which time可以改成by the time when he came back?
先行词是time,可是time 无法和引导词互换 啊

把你的句子写出来,就可以解答了.快.例句:He came back late,by which time all the guests had alredy left.ok,应该是:He came back late, at about 9:00 pm ,by which time all the guests had alredy left.你的句子很可能漏了一个时间状语------ at about 9:00 pm 。
He came back late, at about 9:00 pm ,by which time all the guests had alredy left
== By the time he came back quite late, at about9:00 pm all the guests had alredy left.
-------这大概就是你想表达的吧 ?请问By the time he came back late是一个什么类型的句子是时间状语从句部分+ 主句(all the - - - - ).