1.Now,in our country free medicaltreatment covers sickness of mind as well as sickness.


1.Now,in our country free medicaltreatment covers sickness of mind as well as sickness.
A normal B average C regular D ordinary
2.The traffic problem we are look forward to seeing should haveattracted the local government's attention
A sloving B solve C to slove D sloved
3.-How did you damage your car so badly?-I ran into a tree yesterday.-I suppose you too fast
A drive B had driven C drove D were driving
4.What worried the child most was to visit his mother in the hospital.
A his not allowing B his not being allowed C his being not allowing D having not been allowed

2 选d 期盼看到被解决 是被动,用过去分词
3 选b suppose 表猜测,用虚拟语气
4 选b what...most 是主语,不被允许,用被动,用allowed