what do student do at green high school这篇文章的知识点


what do student do at green high school这篇文章的知识点
Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green High School.Most students exercise three or four times a week.Some student exeercise are very active and exercise every day.As for homework,most students do homework every day.Some students do homework threeor four times a week.No students do homework once or twice a week.The results for"watch TV"are interesting.Some student watch TV once or twice a week,somestudents watch TV three or four times a week,but most students watch TV every day.

初二上教材的文章.1.Here are ...2.the results of...3.Most...4.three or four times ...5.active6.every day7.as for.8.no students...9.the results for...10.interesting以上已经很全面了...