The meeting was put off because we ____a meeting without John.


The meeting was put off because we ____a meeting without John.
A.objected havingB.were objected to having
C.objected to have D.objected to having

object 表示“反对;不赞成”时,作 vi ,表示“提出反对意见”时,作 vt ,常接从句:
No one objected to the idea.
I object to all this noise.
We object to leaving in such a hurry.
He objected to being treated like a guest.
"Do you object?" "No,we don't object."
I object (against him) that he is too young for the work.
It may be objected that not enough manpower is available.
object to 是固定搭配表示提出反对意见,to是介词,后面加动名词或名词,所以可以先去除A和C
又因为The meeting was put off 中有was,说明是过去式,后面也是用过去式.