定语从句中的whose,the of which,of which.区别在哪啊,有关此类的题目一直错误不断,英语高手请赐教,急


定语从句中的whose,the of which,of which.区别在哪啊,有关此类的题目一直错误不断,英语高手请赐教,急
I'd like a car___front lights are big and round.
1)whose 2)of which
There are several story-books___red star is the best one that I have ever heard.
1)whose 2)of which
That tree,the branches__are almost bare is a very old one.
1)whose 2)of which
The book,the cover__is broken ,is not mine.
1)of which 2)whose

其实你看看自己列出的几个题目,不难看出Whose和of which 的不同.
I'd like a car whose front lights are big and round.
I'd like a car,the front lights of which are big and round.
The book,the cover of which is broken ,is not mine.
The book whose cover is broken ,is not mine.