1.He does his homework every day.[用now改写句子】


1.He does his homework every day.[用now改写句子】
2 .Mary is reading English in the classroom【对划线部分提问】reading English为划线部分 3.He is wearing a black cap.[用ofter改写句子】 4.Here is photo of my family[改成复数形式 】 5.I'm reading books in the library.[对划线部分提问】 in the library为划线部分.

1 He is doing his homework now.
2 What is Mary doing in the classroom?
3 He often wears a black cap.
4 Here are some photos of my family.
5 Where are you reading books 根据上句完成下句,句意不变。1. The garl isgood atEnglish.2.Jack likesplayingfootballbest. 3.Pleasepass thebooktoher. 4.Iwould like togo to thepark.5.Can I help you?