The next time you 空 one,thinking that for centuries only great men and women used them,you'll feel you are important peo


The next time you 空 one,thinking that for centuries only great men and women used them,you'll feel you are important people,too.
A.sell B.return C.borrow D.carry 求原因,

Everybody uses umbrellas today.The next time you 空 one,thinking that for centuries only great men and women used them,you'll feel you are important people,too.D.carry原题其他选项sell ,borrow,return都...为什么啊现在每个人都用伞。等你下次____一把伞,像以前好几百年只有大人物和贵妇人才能用膳,你会有感到你也是重要人物。(这是玩笑的说法)你觉得这样一个空格,你填卖掉一把伞,借一把伞,还一把伞合适?只有带一把伞才比较适合原文。xieixie