

1.We need ____ salt but not any sugar in the soup.A.little B.few.C.a little D.a few
2.Linda wants to borrow a book on science in the _____ nearby.
A.library B.bookstore
3.It took my daughter two weeks ______ the novels _____ by Yang Hongying.A.read;written B.to read;written C.reading;to read D.to read ;wrote
4.Jane,your backpack is wore out.
Well,I'm going to buy a new ____ next Sunday.A.itB.this C.that D.one

1 little可以没有盐 但不能没有糖 不可数 litter2 library 有in the library 一般是at the bookstore3 to read written take +人(宾)+时间?+to+事情.后面用直接用被动,不用be动词 以后你会学到4 D one 打算买个一...