A police car at rest,passed by a speeder travelling at a constant 96 km h-1,takes off in hot pursuit.The police officer


A police car at rest,passed by a speeder travelling at a constant 96 km h-1,takes off in hot pursuit.The police officer catches up to the speeder in 750 m,maintaining a constant acceleration.
Calculate the length of time it takes (in seconds) for the police officer to overtake the speeder.

一辆警车静止不动,一辆以96 km h-1匀速运动的快车经过,警车立即追赶.加速度不变经过了750 m后追上了快速行驶的车辆.
96 km h-1=80/3 m·s-1
t=750/(80/3)=28.125 s