有没有 which 指代多个带长修饰语的名词 的用法?


有没有 which 指代多个带长修饰语的名词 的用法?
问题在第四行*号处开始 ,
主句是 which meets
which指的是 a motion 和 a threat 有这种用法吗?(我记得是没有..而且which that 之类的都是指代一个事物)
我觉得不这样猜的话 句子就没有谓语了
Hillary Clinton wants all the votes she received in both primaries to be counted and all the delegates to be seated at the convention in August,even though no candidates campaigned in Florida and Barack Obama's name was not even on the Michigan ballot.
* A motion proposing that outcome has been defeated,leading to shouts of outrage from Clinton's supporters in the meeting and shouts of "Denver",a threat to carry on this fight to the party convention which meets in that city at the end of August.

如果原文没有错误的话,我来试着回答一下.回答:该段文字确实没有谓语.这在现代报刊上很常见.which 没有指代多个带长修饰语的名词的用法.Which可以指代上文提到的一件事,如:Alice received an invitation from her b...满意呢 谢谢你这么认真地回答 那么句子没有谓语的话 怎么翻译呢? 把分词当成谓语理解吗?是的, 你的理解很正确。我们可以把它看成是:A motion proposing... IS leading to ... 意思是:一个(...) 的动议导致了{... ...}我在leading前面加了一个IS。 当然应该是小写。只不过是为了醒目罢了。其实任何一个分词短语都可以改写为一句话。例如:Laughing and talking happly, the girls went home. 大约等于:The girls were laughing and talking. The girls went home. 或:While the girls were laughing and talking, they went home.可以吗?如有不同意见,可以追问。祝好。