He carride his bed on to the roof.这样提问对不对:where did he carry his bed to?


He carride his bed on to the roof.这样提问对不对:where did he carry his bed to?
提问的最后是应该用on to还是只用to

where did he carry his bed?
就像He took the books to the classroom?对 to the classroom提问一样
Where did he take the books?教材上面列了要用where ...to?来提问这句对的!我在英汉多功能词典中查到了,where 可以作为疑问代词。如:Where do you come from?Where are you going to?(都是词典例句)也就是作副词不加to, 作代词加to .吧。谢谢你!我学到了以前忽略的!!你的句子我认为以to还是on to无所谓,如果表明"在....上方" on to,