I bought a pair of shoes .What do you think of it?It __ your dress.A.mathes B.suits C.fits .D.goes


I bought a pair of shoes .What do you think of it?It __ your dress.A.mathes B.suits C.fits .D.goes

选 A
如:The new coat fits me well.
如:The color doesn't suit Tom.
如:The shoes don't match this trousers.
Few pleasures can match that of a cool drink on such a hot day.
go需要与 with搭配为什么给的答案是C???是的,应该选择C这个句子的引申含义是 The shoes match your dress very well。 指二者很搭配,fit 侧重的是尺寸上.你说鞋和裙子相配用match,又为何选择fit???正确答案应是A MATCHES,上面打错字了,看懂解释你就不会疑惑了 ,但是选用C 的这种说法我也看到过,从语法角度上严格的说应该是match更准确!