一道英语选择题the film is not interesting----------,it is the worst film i have ever seen


一道英语选择题the film is not interesting----------,it is the worst film i have ever seen
the film is not interesting----------,it is the worst film i have ever seen a,what's more b,as a mat
the film is not interesting----------,it is the worst film i have ever seen a,what's more b,as a matter of fact

选b,这个句子的意思是:这部电影很无趣,事实上,这是我看过的最糟糕的电影.A的意思是更有甚者,有后者比前者更近一步的意思.B的意思是事实上,该句中没有比较,因此不能选A最糟糕不是更近一步吗不是,最糟糕是跟我所看过的电影做的比较,而不是与前文“这部电影很无趣”做的比较,因此没有更近一步。我们可以说:The river is polluted,what's more, the eco-system in the river is destroyed by the heavy pollution.(河受到了污染,更严重的是,河里的生态系统遭到了重污染的破坏。)