1.I watching TV when he came in.2.My mother is cooking when I got home.


1.I watching TV when he came in.2.My mother is cooking when I got home.
3.I read a story book this time last night.4.What did you do at 5:00 p.m.yesterday?5.He was talked to his mum at that time.1.他进来的时候我正在看电视2.我回家的时候母亲正在做饭3.昨晚这个时候我在读一本书4.你昨天下午五点正在干什么5.当时他正在和他的母亲说话 根据汉意提示,给句子改错

 I 【加上was】watching TV when he came in.My mother 【is改成was】 cooking when I got home.I 【read改成 was reading】 a story book this time last nightWhat 【did改成were】 you 【 do 改成doing】at ...