who can give me some english-listening websites as cet-4's listening level?thanks a lot


who can give me some english-listening websites as cet-4's listening level?thanks a lot
i want to improve my all kinds of english skills day by day.i'm a cllnic medicine student.so i have to pay my most attention to my major.for example,i may take about 30 mins to do it.so,how can i do?what can i do

只是普四的话,听力题目很简单的,感觉还没高中英语的水平网站的话 普特英语,VOA special English,大耳朵,britishcouncl因为我是英语专业的现在都要考专四了,这些对于普四来说应该有些过了.你其实只要把真题买来做,一...