

a supermarket is a big s( ).there is e() in it .in our town there is a supermarket.it is n()my house.i often go there.look!there is food and d().there is meat and f().there are clothes,shose and hats,too.what are these?they are tv sets and r().what are those?they are bikes.there are a lot of things to s().some of them are c().there aren't m() shop assistants.and all of them are very f().
1,( ) 2,( ) 3,( ) 4,( ) 5,( )
6,( ) 7,( ) 8,( ) 9,( ) 10,( )

1.store 2.everything 3.near 4.drinks 5.fish 6.radios 7.sell 8.clothes 9.many 10.friendly