

英语作文:假如你叫李梅,你的英国笔友Amy想参观你的家乡,发邮件寻为你家乡的"天气情况",请你给他回复一封邮件,关于天气的(开头结尾已给出不算在词数内)Dear Amy
I am glad to hear from you 句尾:If you come here,I will take you around my home town.

A new term is coming,I will make a new plan for myself.In new term I decide I will work harder.I will try my best to find the best ways of learning,which can save me much time and not make me very tired.In new term,I am going to make more good friends.They can make me happy everyday.And also help me with my study.In new term,I will grow up,I know I should help parents do some housework to reduce their pressions.