"It seems that she was there at the conference." the sentence means that


"It seems that she was there at the conference." the sentence means that
she seems to have been at the conference.

以现在的眼光看过去的事物-----现在的眼光---seems, 过去的事物---was,的时候,过去的事物就用to加完成时.又如 it seems that she worked here in 2009(主语从句)===== she seems to have worked here in 2009(简单句).it seems that he was here last wek==== he seems to have been here last week.( ok了吗?)完成时后面不是不能接过去的时间吗?有这方面的资料和书籍能推荐吗?因为这是非谓语动词的完成时,不是谓语动词的完成时。非谓语动词。我们可以多联系。你几年级?