give away 可以翻译成 取代吗?(在高级英语中哈)


give away 可以翻译成 取代吗?(在高级英语中哈)

不能,取代是give way to
give away vi.赠送, 送出, 背叛, 泄露

give away to 有“被取代”的意思

不可以 give away 有放弃 泄露 分发 出卖的意思

give away
1. 送掉;赠送;分发(奖品):
John gave all his possessions away and became a monk.
We have invited a famous actor to give away the prizes.
2. (有意、无意地)泄露(情报、秘密等):
Please don't give my secret away!请不要说出我的秘密!
3. 出卖,背弃,告发(某人):
I know you didn't want to give your friend away.
4. 丧失;错过;浪费:
The politician gave away his best chance to the promotion when he foolishly said the wrong thing.这位政治家愚蠢地说错了话,失去了提升的最好机会。
5. 在婚礼上把(新娘)交给新郎:
Mary was given away by her father.
6. (拳击、赛马等比赛中)(重量等)对方占优势:
The favourite may not win this race, as he has a heavy rider and is giving away five pounds.

这个跟说明级别的英语好像关系不大,牛津字典里都没有的意思应该就没有give away vi.赠送,送出,背叛,泄露例句:He wants to give away all his modern possessions and return to nature.他要舍弃一切时髦的东西而归真...