不懂意思2.A:Excuse me.Could you tell me where the neare-  st museum is?B:Well,it's a bit far.You can go along the street,   then take the first turning on the right,walk   on and you'll find one there._______.A:Oh,thanks.__________.B:It should be open now.It opens at 8:00 a.m.A:Good.________.B:Which bus?I don't know.You may ask thepoliceman over there._________.A:OK.By the way,where's the nearest Mcdonald's,do you know?B:Right behind you,sir.See that sign


2.A:Excuse me.Could you tell me where the neare-  st museum is?B:Well,it's a bit far.You can go along the street,   then take the first turning on the right,walk   on and you'll find one there._______.A:Oh,thanks.__________.B:It should be open now.It opens at 8:00 a.m.A:Good.________.B:Which bus?I don't know.You may ask thepoliceman over there._________.A:OK.By the way,where's the nearest Mcdonald's,do you know?B:Right behind you,sir.See that sign?(标号)A:Oh,thanks a lot.B:__________.


2. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the nearest museum is? B: Well, it's a bit far. You can go along the street,then take the first turning on the right, walk on and you'll find one there._You__won't miss it_.
A: Oh, thanks. _Is it open now?
B: It should be open now. It opens at 8:00 a.m.
A: Good. __You can go there by bus__.
B: Which bus? I don't know. You may ask the policeman over there. ___He maybe know __.
A: OK. By the way, where's the nearest Mcdonald's, do you know?
B: Right behind you, sir. See that sign?(标号)
A: Oh, thanks a lot.
B: _You are welcome__.



A:Excuse me.Could you tell me where the nearest museum is?
B:Well,it's a bit far.You can go along the street,then take the first turning on the right,walk   on and you'll find one there._You can't miss it.
A:Oh,thanks._Do you know at what time it opens?_.
B:It should be open now.It opens at 8:00 a.m.
A:Good.___And can you tell me which bus I should take?_
B:Which bus?I don't know.You may ask thepoliceman over there._He must know that.__.
A:OK.By the way,where's the nearest Mcdonald's,do you know?
B:Right behind you,sir.See that sign?(标号)
A:Oh,thanks a lot.
B:_You're welcome______.