说明原因He _____(read) a novel when his teacher calls his name.Mr Smith doesn't enough money to buy a car,so he _____one.A leadsB lendsC sellsD rentsHow_______ Smiths going to Paris?By car.A are the B is theC is anD are


He _____(read) a novel when his teacher calls his name.
Mr Smith doesn't enough money to buy a car,so he _____one.
A leads
B lends
C sells
D rents
How_______ Smiths going to Paris?
By car.
A are the
B is the
C is an
D are

was reading 过去进行时态
D Mr Smith没有足够的钱去买一辆车,所以他租了一辆,RENT是租借的意思
b Smiths怎么去巴黎,坐汽车去的

第一个选D (A是指引 B是把……借给……C是买 D是租借 这个句子是想说史密斯先生没有足够的钱买汽车,所以他租了一辆.
第二个选A the Smiths史秘斯一家人要特指这家人所以要加THE,而且“史秘斯一家人”是复数 所以用are。 这句话是说史密斯一家人怎样去的巴黎?乘汽车去的.

1. was reading,过去正在进行
2.A,C明显不和语意。B lend意思是借给,eg:he lent me his pen.主语是借出者,所以B不对,所以D
3.B the Smiths意思是Smith一家,固定搭配!在这里语气的重点是指整家人,是一个整体,所以谓语动词用单!

He was reading(read) a novel when his teacher calls his name.


was reading

He is reading (read) a novel when his teacher calls his name.
Mr Smith doesn't enough money to buy a car,so he __D__one. (没钱买车,所以只能向他人借,借是borrow,此处没有,只能用rent(租))
A leads
B lends
C sells
D rents
How__A___ Smiths going to Paris?
By car.
A are the
B is the
C is an
D are
the Smiths表示Smith一家,应该用复数

第一个选D A是引导的意思 B是借出的意思 C是买的意思 D是租的意思 整句话的意思是史密斯先生没有足够的钱去买一辆汽车,所以他租了一辆.
第二个选A the Smiths是固定的句型 史秘司一家人 是复数所以用are 整句话的意思是史密斯一家人是怎么去巴黎的?坐汽车去的.

第二个是D,凭意思"Mr Smith 没有足够的钱去买一辆车,所以他就借了一部回来"
第三个是A, "Smiths"指Smiths一家人,所以是复数.