把形容词变名词的句子比如(没该之前用形容词的句子):eva does not want her father,mother,and sister to stop being loyal to one another.(该了之后用名词的句子)eva does not want her father,mother,and sister stop to loyalty to one another -----------形容词:loyal改成名词:loyalty的句子.1.the hoffman family's stormy emotional state is far beyond the norm in canada.-----------形容词:stormy改成名词:storm的句子.2.eva is ferocious about protecting her famaly's common bond.-----------形容词:ferocious改成名词:ferociousness的句子.


比如(没该之前用形容词的句子):eva does not want her father,mother,and sister to stop being loyal to one another.
(该了之后用名词的句子)eva does not want her father,mother,and sister stop to loyalty to one another
1.the hoffman family's stormy emotional state is far beyond the norm in canada.
2.eva is ferocious about protecting her famaly's common bond.

1.the hoffman family's state of emotional storm is far beyong the norm in Canada.
2.eva's ferociousness is about protecting her family's common bond.