根据提示写出对话所缺的单词~~~快Bill:Hello,Tim.Tim:Hello,Bill.I went to the football match last nightBill:___it a good game?Tim:Yes,it___ good game.___were you then?Bill:I___at Ben`s house.I went there to help him___his lessons.___I was there,his sister Janet fell from her bike and hurt her leg.Ben`s mother wasn`t at home and Ben___worried.Tim:___did you do?Bill:I take his sister to the hospital.Tim:___was her leg?Bill:Nothing serious.She`ll___all right in three day


Tim:Hello,Bill.I went to the football match last night
Bill:___it a good game?
Tim:Yes,it___ good game.___were you then?
Bill:I___at Ben`s house.I went there to help him___his lessons.___I was there,his sister Janet fell from her bike and hurt her leg.Ben`s mother wasn`t at home and Ben___worried.
Tim:___did you do?
Bill:I take his sister to the hospital.
Tim:___was her leg?
Bill:Nothing serious.She`ll___all right in three days.
Tim:I`m glad to hear it.Now,Bill,you really___a good thing.Oh,it`s late.I___say goodbye.

Tim:Hello,Bill.I went to the football match last night
Bill:was it a good game?
Tim:Yes,it was good game.where were you then?
Bill:Iwere at Ben`s house.I went there to help him
doing his lessons.when I was there,his sister Janet fell from her bike and hurt her leg.Ben`s mother wasn`t at home and Ben was worried.
Tim:what did you do?
Bill:I take his sister to the hospital.
Tim:how was her leg?
Bill:Nothing serious.She`ll be all right in three days.
Tim:I`m glad to hear it.Now,Bill,you really did a good thing.Oh,it`s late.I must say goodbye.

Tim:Hello,Bill.I went to the football match last night
Bill:was it a good game?
Tim:Yes,it was good game.where were you then?
Bill:Iwere at Ben`s house.I went there to help him
doing his lessons.when I was there,his sister Janet fell from her bike and hurt her leg.Ben`s mother wasn`t at home and Ben was worried.
Tim:what did you do?
Bill:I take his sister to the hospital.
Tim:how was her leg?
Bill:Nothing serious.She`ll be all right in three days.
Tim:I`m glad to hear it.Now,Bill,you really did a good thing.Oh,it`s late.I must say goodbye.

Tim:Hello,Bill.I went to the football match last night
Bill:_was __it a good game?
Tim:Yes,it_was__ good game._Where__were you then?
Bill:I__was _at Ben`s house.I went there to help himfor___his lessons.___When I was there,his sister Janet fell from her bike and hurt her leg.Ben`s mother wasn`t at home and Ben__was_worried.
Tim:_What__did you do?
Bill:I take his sister to the hospital.
Tim:__How_was her leg?
Bill:Nothing serious.She`ll_be__all right in three days.
Tim:I`m glad to hear it.Now,Bill,you really__did_a good thing.Oh,it`s late.I_have to __say goodbye.
