适当词填空must、have to 、can、can't、could、couldn't、may、mightI forgot to ring Mr.White,so I ____do it today.It is my day off so I____spend a few hours with my friends.If we wave to him,he____give us a lift.Mother says that we ____invite our friends to tea on Saturday.When I was a child I____understand adults,and now that I am an adult I ____understand children.Since I ____pay some overdue bills last week,I'm a little short,so I ____go to the bank this afterno


must、have to 、can、can't、could、couldn't、may、might
I forgot to ring Mr.White,so I ____do it today.
It is my day off so I____spend a few hours with my friends.
If we wave to him,he____give us a lift.
Mother says that we ____invite our friends to tea on Saturday.
When I was a child I____understand adults,and now that I am an adult I ____understand children.
Since I ____pay some overdue bills last week,I'm a little short,so I ____go to the bank this afternoon.
My seat was a long way from the stage.I_____see all right but I ____hear very well.
If we got there earlier,we ____catch the train.
People____keep their dogs on a lead in the street.
If a letter comes for me,____you please forward it to this address?
____you make such a terrible noise?
If I sang,____you accompany me on the piano?
The last bus leaves in ten minutes so I ____say good night now.
Soldiers___obey their officers.
Father is better now but we still ____help him to walk.

按顺序上到下:have to can might can can't can't couldn't have to can can't could
must could Must may have to must have to .