英语翻译MATT先生:您好.非常抱歉现在才给你回复.我刚接手工作,需要对先前工作流程及相关事宜了解.公司非常重视此次合作机会.我已经将合作协议发给相关同事评估,正在等待回复,如果有回复的话,我会立马通知你.KAZU 女士:您好!我是MICHAEL.以后有关节目引进的工作由我来负责.我现在刚接手工作,需要工作情况了解一下.有关合作事宜,我在了解工作进展之后会给予你回复.(不用用谷歌翻译,那个翻译不准)


KAZU 女士:

Dear Matt
Sorry for my late reply. Since I just take charge of this project, and need few days to understand the procedure and relevant matters.
Our company attaches great importance to cooperation with you. I have given all the cooperation detail to my colleague for evaluation. Will keep you informed once I have any news. Thanks.
Best regards
Dear Kazu
Hello, I am Michael, I will follow the job of programme import from now on. Please kindly allow me to spend some times to be familiar with the situation. Regarding the cooperation, will give you a response afterwards. Thanks.
Best regards

Hello. Sorry now back to you. I just took over the work, the need for prior understanding of work processes and related matters.
The company attaches great importance to this cooperation. I have already sent the relevant colleagues evaluated the cooperation agreement, is waiting for reply, if there is recovery, I will inform you flew.
KAZU President:
Hello! I MICHAEL. After the introduction of the program work for me to be responsible.
I just took over the work, need to work to find out. The co-operation, I understand the progress of work will then give you back.

(你好在英文信件里不存在,西方人都是直接进入主题.楼上的how do you do是见面时的客气问候,不该出现在这里.所以"你好"不翻译)I apologize for response by now.I have just take over this job and need time to acquire the former procedures and matters concerned.My company value this cooperate chance very much.I have send the agreement to my colleagues to evaluate,and I am waiting for response.If I receive it,I will inform you instantly.
Madam KAZU:
I'm MICHAEL,I will be in charge of the programme import from now on.I have just take on this job,so I need time to acquire the working circumstances.I will send the concerned matters to you after I have made some progress.

Mr. Matt,
How do you do?
I apologize for this late reply.I just took over the job, so I needed time to familiarize myself with the previous job flows and the relevant functions.
Our company views this cooperation opportunity as very important.I had forwarded a copy of the cooperation agreement to my colleagues for their assessment. I am waiting for their reply.
When they reply, I will inform you at first instance.
注:(a)"at first instance" = 在第一时间;
(b) "assessment" = "comments" = "for them to study" = 评估
(c) "How do you do?"; "How are you?" 也可以.
Madam Kazu,
How do you do?
I am Michael.From now on I will be responsible for the bringing in of all relevant programmes.
I just took over the job, so I needed time to familiarize myself with the department.Regarding the cooperation proposals, I will respond to you after I fully grasp the progress of the job.
注:(a) =bringing in; sourcing of ; the import of...