He worked so hard that he caught up with others very soonso…that引导的是结果状语从句,very soon是时间状语 具体那是状语 是so…that还是so hard that he caught up with others very soon 还是 hard 啊帮我具体分析一下


He worked so hard that he caught up with others very soon
so…that引导的是结果状语从句,very soon是时间状语 具体那是状语 是so…that还是so hard that he caught up with others very soon 还是 hard 啊帮我具体分析一下

so…that引导的是结果状语从句.so…that"如此.以至于."very soon 也是时间状语,都是状语,前者是大句子即主句的状语从句,后者是小句子即从句里面的的状语
He worked so hard that he caught up with others very soon他工作/学习是如此的努力以至他很快赶上了其他的同学/其他人.
主语He 谓语worked 结果状语从句、(在从句中关联词so hard that ,主语he 谓语caught up with 宾语others ,时间状语very soon).