英语作文Writing(20points) 你是一位中学数学老师,最近,你的几位老同学希望你能入伙,和他们共办一家软件公司.经过考虑,你做出了自己的选择,就以上所规定的情景用第一人称写信给他们,告知他们你的看法.



My dear friend, I am very pleased to receive your letter, you mentioned in the letter that you want us to run a software company together, but I think I was more suitable to stay in school, because I can not be separated from my children who is really smart and cute, I decided to stay with them forever. Although the sale of software is to make money fast, but I still do not want to do things I do not like. Thank you, I wish you good luck. yours, [name] 我亲爱的朋友, 很高兴收到你们的来信,你们在信中提到,要我和你们一起开展软件公司的项目,不过我想我还是留在学校比较适合,因为我离不开我的孩子们,他们真的是聪明而且可爱,我决定会永远和他们呆在一起.虽然卖软件是赚钱快,但是我还是不想做我不喜欢的事情.谢谢你们,祝你们好运. 你的 署名 自己写的啊,你没写多说字,不敢写多了!