1.( )your teacher from Canada?2.Where( )Tom and Jack from?The USA 3.Where( )they from?Chian4.Where( )you from?Jane( )from England and I( )from China.5.How( )your teacher?Fine,thanks.


1.( )your teacher from Canada?2.Where( )Tom and Jack from?The USA 3.Where( )they from?Chian
4.Where( )you from?Jane( )from England and I( )from China.5.How( )your teacher?Fine,thanks.

1.Is are 2.are 3.are 4.is am 5.is

1. are 2.does 3. are

1.(Is)your teacher from Canada?2.Where(are)Tom and Jack from?The USA3.Where(are)they from?Chian4.Where(are)you from?Jane(is)from England and I(am)from China.5.How(is)your teacher?Fine,thanks.