It's the same old story ,isn't it 这是情景对话里的一句,原文是:----Nancy,you are not looking very good.What's wrong with you?----I'm not in the best of health.----It's the same old story ,isn't it?Overwork!就是上面的It's the same old story ,isn't it?有什么其他的含义么


It's the same old story ,isn't it
----Nancy,you are not looking very good.What's wrong with you?
----I'm not in the best of health.
----It's the same old story ,isn't it?Overwork!
就是上面的It's the same old story ,isn't it?有什么其他的含义么

翻译成这已经不是新鲜事了,不是吗,isn't it是反问,因为nacy过度工作劳累了身体不舒服,可以推断nacy是个工作狂