Tom had a headache and went to see the d______.The doctor gave Tom medicine and told him to takethe medicine four t______ a day before meals and go on taking it even when he f______ better.He also said to Tom,“You mustn't stop taking it until you've finished the bottle.Toaday you must s______ in bed.You can get up tomorrow if you like.But you mustn't go outside this week.You eat a little if you like,and keep d_____ water.You must drink as much water a


Tom had a headache and went to see the d______.The doctor gave Tom medicine and told him to take
the medicine four t______ a day before meals and go on taking it even when he f______ better.He also said to Tom,“You mustn't stop taking it until you've finished the bottle.Toaday you must s______ in bed.You can get up tomorrow if you like.But you mustn't go outside this week.You eat a little if you like,and keep d_____ water.You must drink as much water as you can.You'll be all right again next week.”

doctor,times, feels, stay , drinking

Tom had a headache and went to see the d__doctor____. The doctor gave Tom medicine and told him to take 检举 | 1 分钟前 提问者: 叶玲星 | 浏览次数:4次
the medicine four t_times_____ a day before meals and go on taking it even when he f_feels_____ better. He also said to Tom,“You mustn't stop taking it until you've finished the bottle. Toaday you must s_stay_____ in bed. You can get up tomorrow if you like. But you mustn't go outside this week. You eat a little if you like, and keep d_drinking____ water. You must drink as much water as you can. You'll be all right again next week.”


doctor times felt stay drinking