read the following post and give at least three pieces of advice.I'm a middle school girl.i'm very short and weak but very heavy.i aften feel ill.And i am a little shy.i have few friends at school.i want to be taller and stronger.i want to make some friends.what should i do?please help me!1.You should___________________________.2.You should't_____________________________.3.______________________.4.______________________.


read the following post and give at least three pieces of advice.
I'm a middle school girl.i'm very short and weak but very heavy.i aften feel ill.And i am a little shy.i have few friends at school.i want to be taller and stronger.i want to make some friends.what should i do?please help me!
1.You should___________________________.
2.You should't_____________________________.

1)join some clubs to know more students .

1 take more exercise.2 be lazy again.3 You have to just say "hello" to every body,and they will think you are a good friends to go along with.4 You should try to take part in more actixities,and you w...