口试演讲(6句话即可)"girls go on a diet"What do you think of some young girls who go on a diet without paying attention to their health?6句话即可,希望句子尽量简单,


口试演讲(6句话即可)"girls go on a diet"
What do you think of some young girls who go on a diet without paying attention to their health?

Well,I don't think going on a diet is the right way to lose weight. We all need energy to support our daily activities, but where does the energy come from? It's from what we eat. Compare with the slim body, healthy body is more important. So i suggest those young girls take more exercise instead of go on a diet to lose weight. Thank you~

Nowadays many girls go on a diet to make themselves ore beautiful but they ignore the inportangce of their health.May be they will become thin quickly,but once they stop,they will gain witht again.There are many ways to keep fit.We can do some exercises,such as jogging or swaimming.Going on a diet is also a way but that doesn`t mean eatingless,Balanced meals will help us not only keep fit but keep healthy.So I don`t agree that girls go on a diet without paying attention to their health.