洗衣服方面的翻译1 你早上洗衣服 / 收拾屋子,用了几个小时?2 你早上到现在洗了多少件衣服了?3 我早上到现在已经洗了7 件衣服了.4 你每次清扫房间,/ 你每次洗衣服, 一般需要多久?5 我每次清扫房间 / 每次洗衣服 大约要40分钟.英语翻译.谢谢6 你能教我 如何把衣服洗的更干净吗?


1 你早上洗衣服 / 收拾屋子,用了几个小时?
2 你早上到现在洗了多少件衣服了?
3 我早上到现在已经洗了7 件衣服了.
4 你每次清扫房间,/ 你每次洗衣服, 一般需要多久?
5 我每次清扫房间 / 每次洗衣服 大约要40分钟.

6 你能教我 如何把衣服洗的更干净吗?

1 in the morning you wash the clothes/tidy up the house, use for a few hours?
2 in the morning you how many pieces of clothes to wash now?
3I wash in the morning till now, 7 pieces of clothes.
4 every time you cleaning the room, / every time you wash his clothes, and usually how long does it take?
5May I clean the room every time/each time is about 40 minutes to wash his clothes.
6You can teach me how to wash clothes more clean?