My grandparents are going to stay at home tomorry 转为特殊疑问句My grandparents are going to stay at home tomorry 特殊疑问句:what _ _ grandparents going to _ tomorrow?when_ _grandparents going to _ _ _?


My grandparents are going to stay at home tomorry 转为特殊疑问句
My grandparents are going to stay at home tomorry
特殊疑问句:what _ _ grandparents going to _ tomorrow?
when_ _grandparents going to _ _ _?

My grandparents are going to stay at home tomorrow.
特殊疑问句:what (are your) grandparents going to (do) tomorrow?
when (are your) grandparents going to (stay at home)?

特殊疑问句:what are your grandparents going to do tomorrow?
when are your grandparents going to stay at home