Mr.Wang gave the whole class a vivid () of his trip to ShanghaiA account Badventure C memory 为什么选A


Mr.Wang gave the whole class a vivid () of his trip to Shanghai
A account Badventure C memory 为什么选A

回答:将选项A中的account 填进空格处,全句为:Mr.Wang gave the whole class a vivid account of his trip to Shanghai. 句子句意为:王老师向全班生动地描述了他的上海之旅。
选项中的account作名词用时,有“解释,叙述” 等意,此处应作“叙述,描述”讲。 欢迎提问,乐意解答;愿你满意, 望你采纳。

Mr.Wang gave the whole class a vivid () of his trip to Shanghai.
A account 记述 B adventure 奇遇,冒险 C memory 记忆
因为他说Gave,也就是给了全班一个什么。所以B和C都不合适。B的话奇遇冒险都只能自己去体验,而C记忆是没办法给别人的,只能自己有.所以唯一合适的就是A account 描述,记述

Mr.Wang gave the whole class a vivid (account) of his trip to Shanghai
A account 描述
C memory记忆,记忆力
很明显A最合适,B ,C意思上讲不通