He must have been punished yesterday by his parents for what he had done.___ he?A,mustn't B.wasn't C.didn't D.needn't


He must have been punished yesterday by his parents for what he had done.___ he?
A,mustn't B.wasn't C.didn't D.needn't

你可以这样理假设是你问旁边的同学:“哎,看张三脸色不好,昨天一定被他父母教训了,是不是?”,然后旁边同学就会说:“Yes,he was punished",或者”No,he wasn't punished.",表示陈述一种事实。所以用wasn't。这里的“must have been punished ”表示对过去的一种虚拟或猜测。如果是“He must have punished 小王for something",是主动语态,而不是被动语态的话,那么就得用C. didn't he了。如果是He must do something ,就得用D. needn't he。

He was afraid what he had done might have a disastrous effect on his不对,这里省略了宾语从句引导词that,what引导的是做宾语的主语从句 对

B must have done 表示推测,反义疑问句变后面动词的反义疑问句,由yesterday判断是过去时态,看到 been done明显是被动语态,所以选B

must have done:对过去事情的肯定推测 因为是be动词 所以疑问部分用be 动词的过去时