初一英语作文 很简单的元旦将至,对此,你们班有什么安排吗?请你根据所给的参考提示,以"How to spend New Year's Day"为题,写一篇60-80词左右的短文. 参考提示: 1、你们班打算去海滩(beach)进行烧烤(have a barbecue)野餐. 2、准备一些食物,如鸡、鱼等. 3、乘公交车去.上午进行烧烤野餐,下午玩排球,晚上再坐公交车回来.(用一般将来时)


初一英语作文 很简单的
元旦将至,对此,你们班有什么安排吗?请你根据所给的参考提示,以"How to spend New Year's Day"为题,写一篇60-80词左右的短文.
1、你们班打算去海滩(beach)进行烧烤(have a barbecue)野餐.

As how to spend New Year's Day, we decideded to go to the beach and have a BBQ. But firstly ,we should make some preparations. Chicken and fish are necessary. We all go there by bus. In the morning, we will enjoy the BBQ,and in the afternoon, we will play volleyball. we will be back by bus in the evening.