It's pleasure 和My pleasure 和With pleasure 分别是什么意思?分别怎么用?应该是It's a pleasure


It's pleasure 和My pleasure 和With pleasure 分别是什么意思?
分别怎么用?应该是It's a pleasure

It's a pleasure 和My pleasure 用法一样,就是在别人道谢时说不客气。
With pleasure 副词词组“愉快地”的意思。如:
She will do that with pleasure.

It's my pleasure可以用于人家请求帮忙时或者已经帮助别人,别人感谢你时,而且多数用于后者; 而With pleasure只能用于别人请求帮忙时的回答
It's my pleasure.是你已经帮完了别人的忙,别人道谢时你对他说的,表示你很荣幸能帮他这个忙。
With pleasure.是别人请你帮忙,你答应了之后别人谢你,你对他说的,表示你很乐意去做。

It's pleasure =My pleasure 用在做某事之后,比如----thanks for helping me!----My pleasure /It's pleasure With pleasure是用在做某事之前比如----cao you give me a glass of water?----With pleasure...