1 He is surprised to find his room ____(非常)clean.答案是thoroughly 请问对么 为什么2 Shirley____a book about China last year but I do not know whether she has finished it.A has written B wrote C had written D was writing 请问为什么选D 3 The _____of living is much higher now than it was before.A value B price C cost D worth 请问这四个选项 怎么区别 一般都怎么用 希望详细一些


1 He is surprised to find his room ____(非常)clean.答案是thoroughly 请问对么 为什么
2 Shirley____a book about China last year but I do not know whether she has finished it.A has written B wrote C had written D was writing 请问为什么选D
3 The _____of living is much higher now than it was before.A value B price C cost D worth 请问这四个选项 怎么区别 一般都怎么用 希望详细一些

1. thoroughly, adv.彻底地;完全;非常 本来它就有非常的意思,另外它是副词,可以用来修饰后面的clean2. was writing,表示过去某个时候正在做什么,原句的意思是说shirley去年在写一本关于中国的书,但不知道她现在有...