The thought of going abroad to study is always fascinating.However,ther are many adjustments to be made.What are some of the difficulties one might face when studying and living overseas?Suggest way to overcome these obstacles.要求200字,需要说明生活和学习两个方面 必须还要写出怎么去克服


The thought of going abroad to study is always fascinating.However,ther are many adjustments to be made.What are some of the difficulties one might face when studying and living overseas?Suggest way to overcome these obstacles.
需要说明生活和学习两个方面 必须还要写出怎么去克服


As there is more and more chances communicating with abroad,more and more Chinese are planning to go overseas.However it's not easy to adapt to the life in complete new environment.Here is my thoughts below:
First of all,we should get full prepared for over coming the difficulties of communicating.If you can't make it in fluently,you should know the basic words for life,such as buying foods,asking the way,ect.
Next,it's nessesary to know the culture of the country you will live. Understand this well,you will easliy deal with the relationship there.
The last and the most important thing is smile.Smile is the common language in the world. It's key to open the every door.With the these things,it's should be more convenient living other countrys.

原创200字第一自然段概括中心第二自然段描写学校生活的不便第三自然段描写日常生活的烦恼第四自然段总结Many who chose to study abroad was aiming for the various of opportunities that was awaiting.However,mo...