评价一下这篇作文.标题: MY view on college students' part-time jobs提纲1.有人认为大学生兼职有好处 2.有人认为大学生兼职弊大于利 3.我的观点····· Nowadays,there are many college students use their spare time to do a part time job.some people think the part time job is good for college students.However,another people believe that disadvantages of the part rimr job far outweigh advantages. As far as i am concerned,i think disadvantages of the part time job far outweigh


标题: MY view on college students' part-time jobs
Nowadays,there are many college students use their spare time to do a part time job.some people think the part time job is good for college students.However,another people believe that disadvantages of the part rimr job far outweigh advantages.
As far as i am concerned,i think disadvantages of the part time job far outweigh advantages.First,if you do a part time job,you will have no time to review your textbooks.As a result ,you will definitelly get failed in studies.Second,you probably will get ill by doing a part-time job because of the enormous work.Then,you have to pay more money to cure yourself than you earn.Thirdly,you will be isolated by your roommates. Because of the part time job,you usually do not stay at the room and you have no chances to talk with them face to face.So they will not like gradually.Then,you are alone.
From what has been discussed above,we may draw the conclution that the part-time job is not good gor us,we should spend our spare time in the right places.
