关于父母论孩子作业过多的英语作文,根据提示:用英语介绍并表明你自己的观点.提示:Most parents :1.review what students have learned 2.develop students' minds 3.stop students playing computer gamesA few parents:1.take a lot of time2.cannot do the things students like 可以适当发挥,要求意思连贯,语句通顺;80词左右!


提示:Most parents :1.review what students have learned
2.develop students' minds
3.stop students playing computer games
A few parents:1.take a lot of time
2.cannot do the things students like

Most parents are support teachers give more homework to students.they believe that homework help students review what they have learned and develop their minds.on the other side,it stops students play...