帮忙填一下空格处单词(有首字母)谢谢啊We can use many kinds of energy.Most energy in the w today comes from b coal and oil.But this will not be so in the year 2020.We will get much of our energy f water.the sun,and the w .We will produce atomic energy,and leave coal and o as raw materialfor cioth,piastics and other things.Some p of the world are very dry.Very f people live there,but there is a lot of sunshine and wind .With s atomic energy and energy from the sun and th


We can use many kinds of energy.Most energy in the w today comes from b coal and oil.But this will not be so in the year 2020.We will get much of our energy f water.the sun,and the w .We will produce atomic energy,and leave coal and o as raw materialfor cioth,piastics and other things.Some p of the world are very dry.Very f people live there,but there is a lot of sunshine and wind .With s atomic energy and energy from the sun and the wind,we will be abie to bring fresh water from far away or change sea water i fresh water.