1、They are (Hai Yan's) stickers.(对扩括号的部分进行提问)2、This is his wallet.(改为一般疑问句)3、My socks are (under the bed.)(对扩括号的部分进行提问)4、These are my comic books.(改为单数形式)


1、They are (Hai Yan's) stickers.(对扩括号的部分进行提问)
2、This is his wallet.(改为一般疑问句)
3、My socks are (under the bed.)(对扩括号的部分进行提问)
4、These are my comic books.(改为单数形式)

1 Whose stickers are they?
2 Is this his wallet?
3 Where are your socks?
4 This is my comic book.