hanks was reading a very intersting book,completely lost to the outside world为何是lost而非losing


hanks was reading a very intersting book,completely lost to the outside world为何是lost而非losing

hanks was lost.to the outside world..
汉克斯完全忽略的身边的事物 被动句

因为 lost to 是一个词组。表示不再为XX所拥有, 败给XX ,对xx 漠然, 对XX 不再留意。

Hanks was reading a very interesting book,and he was completely lost to the outside world.
非谓语动词作状语表示伴随,非谓语动词作状语要省略be,故为completely lost to .表示一种状态.
be lost in sth.沉迷于.如果你用losing 可以这样改
Hanks was reading a very interesting book,losing himself to the outside world.