请大家帮我看看这样翻译正确吗?你好,请问酒店是否有行旅寄存的服务?我们今天退房,但是5月19日将继续入住这个酒店.我们想将行旅寄存在酒店, 5.19日入住酒店时在领取,可以吗?Excuse me whether has travelled hosting service?We check out today, On May 19 (The day after tomorrow)We will still stay in the hotel,We want to send we exist in this hotel,When hotel in receiving, can?


你好,请问酒店是否有行旅寄存的服务?我们今天退房,但是5月19日将继续入住这个酒店.我们想将行旅寄存在酒店, 5.19日入住酒店时在领取,可以吗?
Excuse me whether has travelled hosting service?
We check out today, On May 19 (The day after tomorrow)We will still stay in the hotel,We want to send we exist in this hotel,When hotel in receiving, can?

excuse me,does your hotel provide a luggage storage service?
we will check out today,but we will check in on May 19th again.can we store our luggage here today and get it out on May 19th when we recheck in