英语翻译1 你喜欢什么类型的工作?2 他适合什么样的工作?3 你比较擅长什么样的工作?4 自己到底适合做什么样的工作5 你并不适合销售类工作,你适合文职类工作,因为你缺乏积极的上进心.英语翻译.


1 你喜欢什么类型的工作?
2 他适合什么样的工作?
3 你比较擅长什么样的工作?
4 自己到底适合做什么样的工作
5 你并不适合销售类工作,你适合文职类工作,因为你缺乏积极的上进心.

What kind of job do you like?
What kind of job is suitable to him?
What kind of job are you good at?
He never knows what kind of job fits him.
You are not good at sales but office work, for you lack of desire to make progress.


What kind of profession do you prefer ?

What type of job do you like?
What kind of work does he suit?
What kind of work are you good at?
He never knows what kind of job is suitable for himself.
You're not suitable for such kind of job as sales, but you are perfect for clerical work because you are lacking of positive motivation.

1 you like what type of job?In 2 he for what kind of work?3 you are good at and what kind of work?In 4 he never know what to adapt to do what kind of work5 you are not suitable for sales work, you are fit for clerical work, because you lack of active enterprising

1." What type of job do you like?What kind of career do you prefer?"
2." What kind of work does he suit?/ What kind of job is suitable for him?"
3." What kind of work are you good at?"/ " What type of job are you specialized in?"
4." He never knows what kind of job is suitable for himself." / " He never knows what type of job he has been molded in/ trained for."
5." You're not suitable for such kind of job as sales,but you are perfect for clerical work because you are lacking of positive motivation."

1.What kind of job do you like?
2.What kind of job does he suit for?
3.What kind of job which you are good at?
4.He never knows that what kind of job suits hin.
5.The civil service rather than the selling is more suitable for you because of your lack of motivatiion.