not take no for an answer和not so far off the mark在这句话的语境中是什么意思呢?这里在讲无声电影过渡到有声电影的曲折历史,专家认为有声技术的缺陷还是太多,所以认为有声电影只会是昙花一现.To be sure,experts' evaluation of the technical flaws in sound experiments was not so far off the mark,yet they neglected to take into account important new forces(指一些电信行业的新技术) in the motion picture field that,in a sense,would not take no for an answer.


not take no for an answer和not so far off the mark在这句话的语境中是什么意思呢?
这里在讲无声电影过渡到有声电影的曲折历史,专家认为有声技术的缺陷还是太多,所以认为有声电影只会是昙花一现.To be sure,experts' evaluation of the technical flaws in sound experiments was not so far off the mark,yet they neglected to take into account important new forces(指一些电信行业的新技术) in the motion picture field that,in a sense,would not take no for an answer.