1.The strike has been on for half a year;__there is a severe decline in production.A.accordingly C.consequently为什么不选A.二选C.A:因此;相应的 C:因此,结果2.Switzerland is __a place to indulge in all your favorite winter sports;it is also a marvelous spot to relax.A.raher than B.more than C.other than D.else than为什么 为什么不选C,D


1.The strike has been on for half a year;__there is a severe decline in production.
A.accordingly C.consequently
为什么不选A.二选C.A:因此;相应的 C:因此,结果
2.Switzerland is __a place to indulge in all your favorite winter sports;it is also a marvelous spot to relax.
A.raher than B.more than C.other than D.else than
为什么 为什么不选C,D

1.accordingly 一般翻译成按照,它的原形是accord.并且一般跟在动词后如例句
People's requirement of beauty has been heightened accordingly. 人们对美得要求也因此提高。
2. 选more than 的原因是它表示不只是,不仅仅是。如例句
We have more than a car! 我们可不止有辆车!

1 前者 有积极意义 凭着原因 产生 积极的结果
后者 是现象 是 有 原因造成的 因果并存
本句 前面用的是现在完成时 因 还 在
故 答案是C
2 more than这里 意思是 不仅仅 = not only
注意 后句 有 also
所以其他选项 意思不对 故错