英语翻译距离我们上一次互相发邮件已经有两个月了.(或者可以说我们两个月没有发邮件了)最近一定很忙碌吧?你那边天气冷吗?圣诞节和jack 的生日很接近,我希望你能发一些他的照片给我,我很想念他.他一定长大了不少.你是不是以前给我说过你奶奶年底会接受手术?


距离我们上一次互相发邮件已经有两个月了.(或者可以说我们两个月没有发邮件了)最近一定很忙碌吧?你那边天气冷吗?圣诞节和jack 的生日很接近,我希望你能发一些他的照片给我,我很想念他.他一定长大了不少.你是不是以前给我说过你奶奶年底会接受手术?

How are
you? From the last time we send mail to each other has been two months. (Or you
can say that
we do not
send e-mails a month) must be very busy recently, right? It is cold there, right? Christmas is very close to Jack's birthday , and I hope you can send some of his photos to me, I miss him. He must have grown up a lot. Did you said to me before the end of the year your grandmother will undergo surgery?

你好吗?距离我们上一次互相发邮件已经有两个月了。(或者可以说我们两个月没有发邮件了)最近一定很忙碌吧?你那边天气冷吗?圣诞节和jack 的生日很接近,我希望你能发一些他的照片给我,我很想念他。他一定长大了不少。你是不是以前给我说过你奶奶年底会接受手术?Are you ok?? From the last time we email each other have two months. (or we can say two months did not send mail) recently busy? What is the weather cold? Christmas and Jack's birthday is approaching, I hope you can send some of his photos to me, I miss him very much. He must have grown up. You Is it right? Previously told me about your grandmother at the end of the year will accept operation?


How are you?It hasbeen two months since the last time we sent each other emails.You must be occupies recently,aren't you?Is it cold there?Christmas is pretty close to Jack's birthday,I hope you could send me some pictures of him.I miss him so bad.He must grow up a lot.Have you told me that your grandma will have a surgery by the end of this year?

How are you? From our last email each other for two months. (or can say we don't have email two months) must be very busy recently? You cold over there? Christmas and was close to jack's birthday, I hope you can send me some photos of him, I miss him very much. He must have grown up a lot. Have you ever and I said you grandma will undergo surgery at the end of the year?